Mario Diaz's Story

Mario Diaz has always had a passion about discovering the universe. His dream is to become an astronaut.

The path to his dream hasn’t always been easy. As a young boy, Mario was bullied throughout elementary and middle school because he seemed different. Mario never let his learning disabilities and vision impairment get in the way of being creative. He never paid attention to the negative comments from his fellow students, who would call him weirdo, nerd, and other names. He just continued to follow his dreams and never let the negativity affect his success.

Mario has a tremendous support group at home. They have always encouraged him to pursue his dreams. His mom, dad, sister, and other family members push Mario to finish his education and continue his pathway towards his career in astronomy. His counselor at Madison High school is currently working with Mario to strengthen his skills in an office environment. The goal is to help Mario with following instructions and improving his social skills.  The support he receives from both home and school motivates Mario to become more creative with his endeavors.

Mario has achieved many accomplishments:

  • Mario has built Lego replicas of the space station.
  • Manages his own YouTube channel (LegoSonicFan17) which has accumulated over 1.3 million views.
  • Writes and illustrates his own Sci-Fi comic books, creating characters and dialogue for his stories that are funny and unique.
  • Has received multiple awards in middle and high school for his creations in astronomy.

Mario is currently attending Madison High school and is expected to graduate in 2022 at the top of his class. After graduation, Mario plans to continue his education by attending a community college and transferring to the University of Houston. He plans to major in Aeronautics.  He has also applied to be an intern at NASA, (NASA’s High School Aerospace Scholars, and an authentic STEM learning experience for Texas High Schools).

Be sure to subscribe to Mario’s YouTube channel LegoSonicFan17!!

He uploads a variety of different videos has a  following of 4.8k subscribers and over 1.3 million views across his videos.