People with disabilities frequently have trouble finding employment. They often are targets for discrimination and wage theft. Being a business owner is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative for individuals with disabilities to showcase their products and services to the public.


Charting the Life Course™ – developed by families to help individuals with disabilities and families at any age or stage of life develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live.

Easter Seals Central Texas – Their Community and Housing Services program provides support for people with disabilities and their families, including home purchases, residential accessibility, rental assistance, assistive technology, and advocacy.

Understood – Leaving High School (transition resources for students with learning and attention issues).


Medicare Eligibility for People With Disabilities Even if you’re under the age of 65, you can qualify for Medicare if you have certain disabilities. You may be eligible for Medicare coverage

Enrolling in Medicare With a Disability – In some cases, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, also known as Original Medicare, if you have a disability. Enrollment in Medicare Part C, a Medicare Advantage plan as an alternative to Original Medicare

How Much Does Medicare Cost? – Your out-of-pocket costs will depend on which Medicare coverage you have. Medicare Part A typically costs nothing, but you may have to pay an annual premium if you didn’t pay Medicare taxes for enough quarters through your work. Medicare Part B, Part C, and Part D all have separate premiums and deductibles.

Medicare Resources for Veterans If you need more information about your VA benefits or the different types of Medicare coverage, reach out to one of the resources below for help.


AbilityLinks – This is a nationwide, web-based community where qualified job seekers with disabilities and inclusive employers meet and gain access to valuable networking opportunities. Employers post jobs and search resumes on AbilityLinks to identify qualified job seekers with disabilities. Job seekers with disabilities can apply for jobs and post resumes.

AbilityOne – The AbilityOne Program is a Federal initiative to help people who are blind or have other significant disabilities find employment by working within a national network of over 600 Nonprofit Agencies that sell products and services to the U.S. government.

Able Force – This is a non-profit AbilityOne provider that promotes, enhances and facilitates the employment of persons with disabilities. Through the recruitment and screening of prospective employees, Able Force offers a nationwide network of workers with a multitude of skills and qualification, capable of meeting a wide range of project requirements.

Coalition to Advance Competitive Integrated Employment – Over 25 national organizations have joined together to advance and promote Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). This website features CIE success stories, resources and legislative updates

Disability Employment Initiative – This site provides tools and resources to all key stakeholders to provide effective and meaningful participation of individuals with disabilities within the workforce system.

Disability Rights Texas – See Employment Resources.


American Association of Persons with Disabilities – AAPD is a disability rights organization that promotes equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities.

Association of People Supporting Employment First – APSE is a national non-profit membership organization that focuses exclusively on integrated employment and career advancement opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Coalition for Barrier Free Living – This is the website for the Coalition for Barrier Free Living, which includes the Houston, Brazoria County and Fort Bend Centers for Independent Living. Their mission is to “promote the full inclusion, equal opportunity and participation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of community life.” See Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA).


College & Career Readiness & Success Center (American Institutes for Research) – Improving College & Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities (pdf)

Mosaic (Humble ISD) – Mosaic is the innovative 18+ transition program for Humble ISD students who received special education services through modified high school curriculum and who are ready to actively transition into young adult life. Mosaic serves young adult students who have completed all of their high school credits and state testing requirements and have specific transition needs as identified by their ARD committee. We teach our young adult students important self-determination and self-advocacy skills across four learning domains: Adult Living, Employability, Recreation and Leisure and Life Long Learning.

Resource Hubs

Center for Parent Information & Resources – For information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities

Client Assistance Program (CAP) in Texas – The Client Assistance Program (CAP) has been established by the Rehabilitation Act to provide assistance to people applying for and receiving vocational rehabilitation services or independent living services. In Texas, CAP is administered by Disability Rights Texas.


DisAbilityOnline – This is the Employment & Training Administration’s Disabilities Program home page. It includes information on work and employment incentive grants as well as the Ticket To Work program.

Disability Employment Publications – The U.S. Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) offers free disability employment guides for employers and job-seekers. Also available are free PSAs (in DVD format) and four-color posters created as part of the “What Can You Do” Campaign for Disability Employment.

S. Department of Labor/ Office of Disability Employment Policy – Disability employment policy resources by topic, including information on the Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities (WRP), Employment First and Customized Employment.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – The website of the EEOC, which is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.

Have any helpful links? Please feel free to share!